Pay and reward

Pay and reward

1How is pay determined?

2Which staff are included in the pay and grading system?

3Is starting pay negotiable?

4What factors do you take into account when deciding starting pay?

5Who decides starting pay when negotiating?

6How do staff progress through the pay scales or bands? (Please tick all that apply)

7Do you offer any allowances or other incentives to your staff?

8Which incentives do you offer staff?

9What factors influence the rates of these incentives? (Please tick all that apply)

10Who makes the decisions around incentives for staff? (Please tick all that apply)

11Do you offer any in-kind benefits to your staff?

12Which in-kind benefits or allowances do you offer to staff? (Please tick all that apply)

13Which factors are considered when deciding who is eligible for these benefits?

14Have you ever undertaken an equal pay review?

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